While the "arc putting stroke" has been around since golf began and the "pendulum putting stroke" has come without a great deal of success as has every gizmo and gadget - after 17 years of study, research and development Tohru Yamada has the answer The DREAM 54 Putting Aid!!
Dream 54 is a Putting Training Aid designed by Tohru Yamada to aid Amateur and Pro Golfers with their putting stroke.
Today more and more golfers are moving a way from the traditional "arc putting stroke" to the "pendulum putting stroke". The increased performance of their putts as well as the consistency of the pendulum putting stroke results in a much greater performance. Generally, for Golfer’s of missed putts 30% of misseed putts are short, 60% are pull and 10% are push. The Dream 54 can improve your putting stroke and performance in combination with the "pendulum putting stroke".
In understanding this theory we designed a putting training aid that is the perfect way for any golfer who is considering the "pendulum stroke". Within 1 week of using our Dream 54 putting aid you will find that you have much more consistency with your pendulum putting stroke. While many golfers believe they are using the "pendulum putting stroke", they are in fact still using the "arc stroke" on half of their putts without realising it. By using the Dream 54 Putting Aid you will be able to take the guessing out of your stroke as the Dream 54 trains you to use the "pendulum putting stroke" everytime.
By connecting your putter to the Dream 54 Putting Aid you will be conditioned to consistently follow the "pendulum putting stroke" and not revert back to the "arc stroke". This will give you far greater consistency with your putting.
The Dream 54 is currently in great use through out Japan and Asia by many players on the Asian PGA Tour. It is now being used by many amateur golfers who are after a more consistent putting stroke.
There are many "quick fix" putting training aids on the market but none have provided the answer. Most aids are developed by engineers outside of the golf industry. Toru Yamada has been involved in the crafting and designing of putters for the last 25 years. Most of the design of The Dream 54 is based on his understanding, design and production of putters and putting concepts.
The theory of Dream 54 is in its simplicity. The purpose is to keep the putter face square on target and with less movement of the body provides a more dynamic, more simple and most of all more compact putting stroke. Over time most golf coaches had the belief that the dynamics of a longer putt stroke and short putt stroke were the same, this approach is incorrect, the full swing is a double lever system but putting is a single lever system. When you watch pro golfers putt on TV you will notice most of the time their putter face does not rotate like the "arc stroke". It remains square as most of pros have already adopted the Dream 54 principle. Today more and more tour pros are adopting the concept of the vertical pendulum putting stroke (where both shoulders rotate vertically to the ground) it is more reliable and is associated with less pushing and pulling of your putts.
Dream 54 is currently in play on PGA, European, Nationwide, Canadian, Gateway, Hooters, Von Nida and Futures Tours. The results by those using it is amazing! Win after win is being chalked up to The Yamada Dream 54 Putting Aid.
The added benefit of the Dream 54 Putting System is that it was developed by a man regarded by some as the greatest putter craftsmen the game has ever seen. As a result he understands how a putter and putting stroke works and has spent a great deal of his putting life developing this system to cure the putting yips.
Tohru Yamada is the father of the pendulum putting stroke in Japan. He has been designing and handcrafting putters for more than 20 years. He also engineered the robot which is used for nearly all putter testing in Japan. His experience, knowledge of mathematics and engineering, and countless hours of studying all aspects of putting have led Yamada to develop his theory of the pendulum putting stroke and putter design.
Dream 54 Training Aid. $160.00 plus shipping
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